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安装MLDONKEY WEB设置,弄不明白了。

发表于 2008-4-27 18:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
403 Forbidden
Connection from rejected (see downloads.ini, allowed_ips)


MLDonkey/2.9.2 at Port 4080
只谈技术、莫论政事!(点击见详情) | 恩山无线论坛欢迎您的来访,请互相尊重、友善交流,建议保持一颗平常心看待网友的评论,切勿过度反应。
发表于 2008-4-27 19:25 | 显示全部楼层不被允许访问,缺省允许的IP是127.0.0.1,要编辑downloads.ini加入你希望允许访问的IP段。
只谈技术、莫论政事!(点击见详情) | 恩山无线论坛欢迎您的来访,请互相尊重、友善交流,建议保持一颗平常心看待网友的评论,切勿过度反应。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-27 19:34 | 显示全部楼层

    (*   Never edit options files when  *)
    (*       the daemon is running      *)
    (* SECTION : Main *)
    (* Main options *)

        (* small name of client *)
client_name = sdainb

    (* SECTION : Interfaces *)
    (* Options to control ports used by mldonkey interfaces *)

        (* list of IP address allowed to connect to the core via telnet/GUI/WEB
          for internal command set: list separated by spaces
          example for internal command: set allowed_ips ""
          or for editing the ini-file: list separated by semi-colon
          example for ini-file: allowed_ips = [ ""; "";]
          CIDR and range notations are supported: ie use
          or for 192.168.0.* *)
allowed_ips = [

        (* port for Graphical Interfaces, 0 to deactivate GUI interface *)
        (* changing this option requires restart of MLDonkey core *)
gui_port = 4001

        (* port for GiFT Graphical Interfaces interaction. It was 1213, but the default is
          now 0 for disabled, because it does not check for a password. *)
        (* changing this option requires restart of MLDonkey core *)
gift_port = 0

        (* The port used to connect to your client with a web browser, 0 to deactivate web interface *)
        (* changing this option requires restart of MLDonkey core *)
http_port = 4080

        (* port for user interaction, 0 to deactivate telnet interface *)
        (* changing this option requires restart of MLDonkey core *)
telnet_port = 4000

        (* Aliases to commands. The alias (fist string) has to be
          whitespaceless, the outcome of the alias (second string)
          may have spaces (put it in quotation then). *)
alias_commands = [
  (quit, q);
  (exit, q);]

    (* SECTION : Bandwidth *)
    (* Bandwidth options *)

        (* The maximal upload rate you can tolerate on your link in kBytes/s (0 = no limit)
          The limit will apply on all your connections (clients and servers) and both
          control and data messages. *)
max_hard_upload_rate = 10

        (* The maximal download rate you can tolerate on your link in kBytes/s (0 = no limit)
          The limit will apply on all your connections (clients and servers) and both
          control and data messages. Maximum value depends on max_hard_upload_rate:
          >= 10    -> unlimited download
          < 10 > 3 -> download limited to upload * 4
          < 4      -> download limited to upload * 3 *)
max_hard_download_rate = 50

        (* Second maximal upload rate for easy toggling (use bw_toggle) *)
max_hard_upload_rate_2 = 5

        (* Second maximal download rate for easy toggling (use bw_toggle) *)
max_hard_download_rate_2 = 20

        (* Maximal number of opened connections *)
max_opened_connections = 200

        (* Amount of indirect connections in percent (min 30, max 70) of max_opened_connections *)
max_indirect_connections = 30

        (* How many slots can be used for upload *)
max_upload_slots = 5

        (* How many percent of upload slots can be used for downloading files tagged as release *)
max_release_slots = 20

        (* Set aside a single reserved slot to upload to friends *)
friends_upload_slot = true

        (* Maximum file size to benefit from the reserved slot for small files (0 to disable) *)
small_files_slot_limit = 10240

        (* Set this to true if you want to have dynamic upload slot allocation (experimental) *)
dynamic_slots = false

        (* Maximal number of connections that can be opened per second *)
max_connections_per_second = 5

        (* list of IP addresses allowed to connect to the core with no limit on
          upload/download and upload slots.  List separated by spaces, wildcard=255
          ie: use for 192.168.0.*  *)
nolimit_ips = [

        (* This option enables MLdonkey to always read as much data as possible
          from a channel, but use more CPU as it must then copy the data in the
          channel buffer. *)
copy_read_buffer = true

    (* SECTION : Networks *)
    (* Networks options *)

        (* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as an overnet client
          (enable_donkey must be true) *)
enable_overnet = true

        (* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as an kademlia client
          (enable_donkey must be true, and only experimental) *)
enable_kademlia = false

        (* Set to true if you want mldonkey to connect to edonkey servers
          (enable_donkey must be true, and only experimental) *)
enable_servers = true

        (* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as an Bittorrent client *)
enable_bittorrent = true

        (* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a donkey client *)
enable_donkey = true

        (* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a napster client (experimental) *)
enable_opennap = false

        (* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a soulseek client (experimental) *)
enable_soulseek = false

        (* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a gnutella1 sub node (experimental) *)
enable_gnutella = false

        (* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a gnutella2 sub node (experimental) *)
enable_gnutella2 = false

        (* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a Fasttrack sub node (experimental) *)
enable_fasttrack = false

        (* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to run as a direct-connect node (experimental) *)
enable_directconnect = false

        (* Set to true if you also want mldonkey to download HTTP files (experimental) *)
enable_fileTP = true

    (* SECTION : Network Config *)
    (* Network config options *)

        (* The last IP address used for this client *)
client_ip = ""

        (* Use the IP specified by 'client_ip' instead of trying to determine it
          ourself. Don't set this option to true if you have dynamic IP. *)
force_client_ip = false

        (* Use http://ip.discoveryvip.com/ip.asp to obtain WAN IP *)
discover_ip = true

        (* User agent string (default = "default") *)
user_agent = default

        (* A list of lines to download on the WEB: each line has
          the format: (kind, period, url), where kind is either
          'server.met' for a server.met file (also in gz/bz2/zip format)
                       containing ed2k server, or
          'comments.met' for a file of comments, or
          'guarding.p2p' for a blocklist file (also in gz/bz2/zip format), or
          'ocl' for file in the ocl format containing overnet peers, or
          'contact.dat' for an contact.dat file containing overnet peers,
          'nodes.gzip' for a fasttrack nodes.gzip,
          and period is the period between updates (in hours),
          a period of zero means the file is only loaded once on startup,
          and url is the url of the file to download.
          IMPORTANT: Put the URL and the kind between quotes.
            web_infos = [
            ("server.met", 0, "http://www.gruk.org/server.met.gz");
            ("hublist", 0, "http://dchublist.com/hublist.config.bz2");
            ("guarding.p2p", 96, "http://www.bluetack.co.uk/config/level1.gz");
            ("ocl", 24, "http://members.lycos.co.uk/appbyhp2/FlockHelpApp/contact-files/contact.ocl");
            ("contact.dat", 168, "http://download.overnet.org/contact.dat");
            ("geoip.dat", 168, "http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoIP.dat.gz");
web_infos = [
  ("contact.dat", 168, "http://download.overnet.org/contact.dat");
  ("geoip.dat", 0, "http://www.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoIP.dat.gz");
  ("server.met", 0, "http://www.gruk.org/server.met.gz");]

        (* Cookies send with a http request (used for .torrent files and web_infos) *)
referers = [
  (".*suprnova.*", "http://www.suprnova.org/");]

        (* Cookies send with a http request (used for .torrent files and web_infos) *)
cookies = []

        (* Direct HTTP queries to HTTP proxy *)
http_proxy_server = ""

        (* Port of HTTP proxy *)
http_proxy_port = 8080

        (* Direct TCP connections to HTTP proxy (the proxy should support CONNECT) *)
http_proxy_tcp = false

    (* SECTION : HTML mods *)
    (* Options to configure HTML mode *)

        (* bw_stats refresh delay (seconds) *)
html_mods_bw_refresh_delay = 11

        (* html_mods_theme to use (located in relative html_themes/<theme_name> directory
          leave blank to use internal theme *)
html_mods_theme = ""

    (* SECTION : Download *)
    (* Download options *)

        (* Set to false if you don't want mldonkey to automatically put completed files
          in incoming directory *)
auto_commit = true

        (* Set to true if you want all new downloads be paused immediatly
          will be set to false on core start. *)
pause_new_downloads = false

        (* The maximal number of files in Downloading state (other ones are Queued) *)
max_concurrent_downloads = 50

        (* The maximal length of zero bytes between non-zero bytes in a file that
          should be interpreted as downloaded during a recovery *)
max_recover_zeroes_gap = 16
只谈技术、莫论政事!(点击见详情) | 恩山无线论坛欢迎您的来访,请互相尊重、友善交流,建议保持一颗平常心看待网友的评论,切勿过度反应。
发表于 2008-4-27 19:42 | 显示全部楼层
allowed_ips = [

只谈技术、莫论政事!(点击见详情) | 恩山无线论坛欢迎您的来访,请互相尊重、友善交流,建议保持一颗平常心看待网友的评论,切勿过度反应。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-27 19:48 | 显示全部楼层
只谈技术、莫论政事!(点击见详情) | 恩山无线论坛欢迎您的来访,请互相尊重、友善交流,建议保持一颗平常心看待网友的评论,切勿过度反应。
发表于 2008-4-27 19:50 | 显示全部楼层
只谈技术、莫论政事!(点击见详情) | 恩山无线论坛欢迎您的来访,请互相尊重、友善交流,建议保持一颗平常心看待网友的评论,切勿过度反应。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-27 19:51 | 显示全部楼层
只谈技术、莫论政事!(点击见详情) | 恩山无线论坛欢迎您的来访,请互相尊重、友善交流,建议保持一颗平常心看待网友的评论,切勿过度反应。
 楼主| 发表于 2008-4-27 19:52 | 显示全部楼层
只谈技术、莫论政事!(点击见详情) | 恩山无线论坛欢迎您的来访,请互相尊重、友善交流,建议保持一颗平常心看待网友的评论,切勿过度反应。
发表于 2008-4-27 20:02 | 显示全部楼层
只谈技术、莫论政事!(点击见详情) | 恩山无线论坛欢迎您的来访,请互相尊重、友善交流,建议保持一颗平常心看待网友的评论,切勿过度反应。
发表于 2008-4-27 22:21 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 softboy 于 2008-4-27 19:52 发表

只谈技术、莫论政事!(点击见详情) | 恩山无线论坛欢迎您的来访,请互相尊重、友善交流,建议保持一颗平常心看待网友的评论,切勿过度反应。
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