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发表于 2011-1-6 23:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hi,用错了tomato r2的版本,把WRT54GV4刷成砖了,开机加电ping不通。

CFE> help
Available commands:

rndis               Broadcom USB RNDIS utility.
et                  Broadcom Ethernet utility.
nvram               NVRAM utility.
reboot              Reboot.
flash               Update a flash memory device
memtest             Test memory.
f                   Fill contents of memory.
e                   Modify contents of memory.
d                   Dump memory.
u                   Disassemble instructions.
autoboot            Automatic system bootstrap.
batch               Load a batch file into memory and execute it
go                  Verify and boot OS image.
boot                Load an executable file into memory and execute it
load                Load an executable file into memory without executing it
save                Save a region of memory to a remote file via TFTP
ping                Ping a remote IP host.
arp                 Display or modify the ARP Table
ifconfig            Configure the Ethernet interface
show devices        Display information about the installed devices.
unsetenv            Delete an environment variable.
printenv            Display the environment variables
setenv              Set an environment variable.
help                Obtain help for CFE commands

For more information about a command, enter 'help command-name'
*** command status = 0
CFE> help flash


     Update a flash memory device


     flash [options] filename [flashdevice]
     Copies data from a source file name or device to a flash memory device.
     The source device can be a disk file (FAT filesystem), a remote file
     (TFTP) or a flash device.  The destination device may be a flash or eeprom.
     If the destination device is your boot flash (usually flash0), the flash
     command will restart the firmware after the flash update is complete


     -noerase     Don't erase flash before writing
     -offset=*    Begin programming at this offset in the flash device
     -size=*      Size of source device when programming from flash to flash
     -ctheader    Check header of CyberTAN
     -noheader    Override header verification, flash binary without checking

*** command status = 0
CFE> show devices
Device Name          Description
-------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------
uart0                NS16550 UART at 0x18000300
uart1                NS16550 UART at 0x18000400
flash0.boot          New CFI flash at 1C000000 offset 00000000 size 256KB
flash0.trx           New CFI flash at 1C000000 offset 00040000 size 1KB
flash0.os            New CFI flash at 1C000000 offset 0004001C size 3808KB
flash0.nvram         New CFI flash at 1C000000 offset 003F8000 size 32KB
flash1.boot          New CFI flash at 1C000000 offset 00000000 size 256KB
flash1.trx           New CFI flash at 1C000000 offset 00040000 size 3808KB
flash1.nvram         New CFI flash at 1C000000 offset 003F8000 size 32KB
flash0               New CFI flash at 1C000000 size 4096KB
eth0                 Broadcom BCM47xx 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller
*** command status = 0
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 楼主| 发表于 2011-1-6 23:57 | 显示全部楼层
CFE> flash -noheader : flash1.trx
Reading :: Done. 3122208 bytes read
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