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发表于 2011-4-14 13:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 jgshbb 于 2011-4-14 14:52 编辑

我的系统:debian 6,硬盘格式:ext3,安装的是rtorrent的0.86。


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 楼主| 发表于 2011-4-21 13:46 | 显示全部楼层
http://code.google.com/p/rutorre ... _non-obvious_points

Some non-obvious points中的第3条。
1、Only enable the "Receive messages from tracker" option in the Settings panel for rTorrent v.0.8.5 or later. Otherwise it can lead to a crash because of incorrect processing of tracker's messages, containing non-UTF-8 characters, by rTorrent.
2、rTorrent Settings, changed by the user through the "Settings" panel in ruTorrent, are valid until rTorrent restart. After which all settings will be set according to the rTorrent config file ( .rotrrent.rc ).
3、If numbers greater than 2Gb are shown as negative, rTorrent should be recompiled with a xmlrpc-c version 1.11 or later.
4、If the port which rTorrent is listening for requests is changed, it is necessary to make appropriate changes in the ruTorrent configuration file ( see Config for more details ) - set the same port number in rutorrent/conf/config.php for the variable $scgi_port.
5、As stated above, Authentication should be provided by web-server only and does not depend on ruTorrent. If authentication is necessary, make sure the webroot and the scgi mount point are both protected (if you mount the scgi directory in a subdirectory of the webroot, and enable authentication on the webroot, this is sufficent) If either the The RPC or HttpRPC plugin is used, the scgi mountpoint (for example, /RPC2 ) folder protection is not necessary.
6、If you are running a multi-user setup, each user should have a different scgi mountpoint. You can name these mountpoints anything you like, provided you change the configuration settings accordingly, for more info see Config and web-servers.

1、只有启用“跟踪接收来自邮件”选项,在设置面板rtorrent的v.0.8.5或更高版本。否则,可能导致由于跟踪的消息不正确的处理事故,含有非UTF通过的rtorrent - 8字符。
3、如果数字大于2GB•显示为阴性,应该用的rtorrent xmlrpc的- C版本1.11或更高版本重新编译。
4、如果端口•这是监听请求rtorrent的改变,它是要在配置文件中相应的ruTorrent变化(详情请参阅配置) - 设置在rutorrent相同的端口号为变量$ / conf /中的config.php scgi_port。
5、如上所述,应当提供身份验证通过Web服务器,并且不依赖于ruTorrent。如果身份验证是必要的,确保了scgi Webroot和挂载点都是保护(如果你安装在一个子目录中scgi的webroot目录,并启用了Webroot的认证,这是足够了)如果任何的插件的RPC或HttpRPC使用时,scgi挂载点(例如,/ RPC2)的文件夹保护是没有必要的。
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