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er-x ipv6 nat 折腾记录

发表于 2023-9-9 10:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

1. 进入 interfaces/ethernet/eth0/pppoe/0  (路径需要自行添加,括号内是当前路径的配置)
      dhcpv6-pd/pd/0   ( prefix-length = /60 , 网络前缀依运营商而不同  )
      dhcpv6-pd/pd/0/interface/pppoe0  ( host-address = ::1 , prefix-id =  0 , service =  slaac  )
      ipv6/router-advert   (  link-mtu =  1280 ,其他不填保留默认 )
      ipv6/router-advert/prefix/"::/64"  (prefix下增加::/64,不需要双引号。 autonomous-flag =  true, on-link-flag = true ,  preferred-lifetime不填 , valid-lifetime =  86400  )

2. 进入 interfaces/switch/switch0    (加一个 address,可找工具生成,比如  fda6:c13b:d387:0::1/64 )

3. 进路由器ssh的root,新建脚本:


ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s 'fda6:c13b:d387:0::1/64' -o pppoe0 -j MASQUER
ip6tables -t raw -D OUTPUT -j NOTRACK
ip6tables -t raw -D PREROUTING -j NOTRACK

ip6tables -i pppoe0 -I INPUT -p tcp -j DROP
ip6tables -i pppoe0 -I INPUT -p udp -j DROP

脚本放哪都行,带上可执行权,配置到/etc/init.d/rc.local 里自启动

4. 最后,目前未配置dhcp,因为我只是让服务器和路由器接通ipv6,手动配置即可。其他设备保持ipv4更稳定
    ipv6 nat似乎硬件加速无效,跑不满千兆
 楼主| 发表于 2023-9-9 10:11 | 显示全部楼层
补充一个:进路由器ssh的root,把/etc/sysctl.conf里的 net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1去掉注释,然后重启或者 sysctl -p 生效
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-3-31 10:33 | 显示全部楼层
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-3-31 17:51 | 显示全部楼层
这是我的ipv6部分以及相应防火墙的设置,er-x sfp,应该和er-x差不多,eth0是wan口,eth1-eth4为lan口,switch0,供参考:


#Configure the PPPoE for IPv6(eth0):

set interfaces ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 ipv6 enable

set interfaces ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 ipv6 address autoconf

set interfaces ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits 1

set interfaces ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0 prefix-length /60

set interfaces ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 dhcpv6-pd rapid-commit enable

set interfaces ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 dhcpv6-pd prefix-only

#Enable IPv6 SLAAC on the LAN(switch0):

set interfaces ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0 interface switch0 host-address ::1

set interfaces ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0 interface switch0 prefix-id :0

set interfaces ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 dhcpv6-pd pd 0 interface switch0 service slaac

#Enable IPv6 on switch0:

set interfaces switch switch0 ipv6 dup-addr-detect-transmits 1

set interfaces switch switch0 ipv6 router-advert cur-hop-limit 64

set interfaces switch switch0 ipv6 router-advert link-mtu 0

set interfaces switch switch0 ipv6 router-advert managed-flag false

set interfaces switch switch0 ipv6 router-advert max-interval 600

set interfaces switch switch0 ipv6 router-advert other-config-flag false

set interfaces switch switch0 ipv6 router-advert prefix '::/64' autonomous-flag true

set interfaces switch switch0 ipv6 router-advert prefix '::/64' on-link-flag true

set interfaces switch switch0 ipv6 router-advert prefix '::/64' valid-lifetime 2592000

set interfaces switch switch0 ipv6 router-advert reachable-time 0

set interfaces switch switch0 ipv6 router-advert retrans-timer 0

set interfaces switch switch0 ipv6 router-advert send-advert true

#create a policy for WAN->Router:

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL default-action drop

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL description 'Local network traffic'

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL enable-default-log

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 10 action accept

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 10 description 'Allow established/related sessions'

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 10 state established enable

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 10 state related enable

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 20 action drop

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 20 description 'Drop invalid state'

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 20 state invalid enable

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 30 action accept

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 30 description 'Allow IPv6 icmp'

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 30 protocol icmpv6

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 40 action accept

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 40 description 'allow dhcpv6'

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 40 destination port 546

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 40 protocol udp

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL rule 40 source port 547

#create a policy for WAN->LAN Clients:

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN default-action drop

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN description 'WAN inbound traffic to the router'

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN enable-default-log

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 10 action accept

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 10 description 'Allow established/related sessions'

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 10 state established enable

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 10 state related enable

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 20 action drop

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 20 description 'Drop invalid state'

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 20 state invalid enable

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 30 action accept

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 30 description 'Allow IPv6 icmp'

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 30 protocol icmpv6

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 40 action accept

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 40 description 'allow dhcpv6'

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 40 destination port 546

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 40 protocol udp

set firewall ipv6-name WANv6_IN rule 40 source port 547

set firewall ipv6-receive-redirects disable

set firewall ipv6-src-route disable

set interfaces ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 firewall in ipv6-name WANv6_IN

set interfaces ethernet eth0 pppoe 0 firewall local ipv6-name WANv6_LOCAL



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使用道具 举报

发表于 2024-4-28 13:27 | 显示全部楼层
fyi151 发表于 2024-3-31 17:51


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使用道具 举报

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