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求助 CFE 参数修改

发表于 2019-8-3 21:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 edwards_q4 于 2019-8-3 21:50 编辑

手上有个TENDA N6 BCM5358U的CPU,想改32M FLASH,原厂是8M的。原厂CFE和网友用E2500的CFE修改后适配N6的刷如入32M(只刷入了CFE) LAN口灯全部都狂闪,LAN口无法PING通.
但刷入16M FLASH却一切正常,之后自己尝试用E2500的CFE修改发现E2500的CFE中"RESET_GPIO=10",N6的则是"RESET_GPIO=20",但只要将该参数修改为20刷入32M FLASH,LAN口必然狂闪
用EA2700的CFE修改也是一样,请问有大神知道如何将CFE适配32M FLASH么?补充 E2500的原厂CFE 直接刷入32M FLASH,指示灯正常就是LAN口无法PING通,修改网口参数后也是一样,只要修改网口参数并将RESET_GPIO该20就可以在16M FLASH上启动并PING通,
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.
 楼主| 发表于 2019-8-4 00:05 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 edwards_q4 于 2019-8-4 00:09 编辑


  1. boot_hw_model=E2500
  2. boot_hw_ver=1.0
  3. boardtype=0xF550
  4. boardnum=42
  5. boardrev=0x1101
  6. boardflags=0x00000710
  7. boardflags2=0x00008000
  8. sromrev=8
  9. boardpwrctl=0xc00
  10. clkfreq=530,176,88
  11. xtalfreq=20000
  12. sdram_config=0x0103
  13. sdram_ncdl=0x5800001a
  14. sdram_refresh=0x1a5b
  15. sdram_phyctl=0x00000001
  16. et0phyaddr=30
  17. et0mdcport=0
  18. et0macaddr=00:01:36:1F:E4:59
  19. vlan1ports=1 2 3 4 5*
  20. vlan1hwname=et0
  21. vlan2ports=0 5
  22. vlan2hwname=et0
  23. landevs=vlan1 wl0 wl1
  24. wandevs=vlan2
  25. lan_ipaddr=
  26. lan_netmask=
  27. gpio20=wps_button
  28. sb/1/boardflags=0x00000710
  29. sb/1/boardflags2=0x00008000
  30. sb/1/sromrev=8
  31. sb/1/devid=0x4329
  32. sb/1/macaddr=00:01:36:1F:E4:5B
  33. sb/1/aa2g=3
  34. sb/1/ag0=2
  35. sb/1/ag1=2
  36. sb/1/ag2=0x2
  37. sb/1/ag3=0xff
  38. sb/1/bxa2g=0x3
  39. sb/1/rssisav2g=0x7
  40. sb/1/rssismc2g=0xf
  41. sb/1/rssismf2g=0xf
  42. sb/1/tri2g=0xff
  43. sb/1/rxpo2g=0xff
  44. sb/1/txchain=3
  45. sb/1/rxchain=3
  46. sb/1/antswitch=0
  47. sb/1/tssipos2g=1
  48. sb/1/extpagain2g=2
  49. sb/1/pdetrange2g=2
  50. sb/1/triso2g=3
  51. sb/1/antswctl2g=1
  52. sb/1/maxp2ga0=0x48
  53. sb/1/pa2gw0a0=0xFF01
  54. sb/1/pa2gw1a0=0x1363
  55. sb/1/pa2gw2a0=0xfb5a
  56. sb/1/maxp2ga1=0x48
  57. sb/1/pa2gw0a1=0xff1d
  58. sb/1/pa2gw1a1=0x1395
  59. sb/1/pa2gw2a1=0xfb53
  60. sb/1/cck2gpo=0x0000
  61. sb/1/ofdm2gpo=0x44444444
  62. sb/1/mcs2gpo0=0x3333
  63. sb/1/mcs2gpo1=0x5200
  64. sb/1/mcs2gpo2=0x0000
  65. sb/1/mcs2gpo3=0x5200
  66. sb/1/mcs2gpo4=0x0000
  67. sb/1/mcs2gpo5=0x5200
  68. sb/1/mcs2gpo6=0x0000
  69. sb/1/mcs2gpo7=0x5200
  70. sb/1/cddpo=0x0000
  71. sb/1/stbcpo=0x0000
  72. sb/1/bw40po=0x0000
  73. sb/1/bwduppo=0
  74. sb/1/ccode=0
  75. sb/1/regrev=0
  76. sb/1/ledbh0=11
  77. sb/1/ledbh1=11
  78. sb/1/ledbh2=11
  79. sb/1/ledbh3=11
  80. sb/1/ledbh5=2
  81. sb/1/ledbh6=10
  82. sb/1/leddc=0xffff
  83. sb/1/temps_period=5
  84. sb/1/tempthresh=120
  85. sb/1/temps_hysteresis=5
  86. sb/1/phycal_tempdelta=0
  87. sb/1/tempoffset=0
  88. boot_wait=on
  89. wait_time=3
  90. reset_gpio=20
  91. gpio22=wombo_reset
  92. blink_diag_led=1
  93. dl_ram_addr=a0001000
  94. os_ram_addr=80001000
  95. os_flash_addr=bfc40000
  96. scratch=a0180000
  97. watchdog=0
  98. devpath0=usb/0xbd17
  99. 0:venid=0x14e4
  100. 0:boardtype=0x0521
  101. 0:boardrev=0x1300
  102. 0:sromrev=8
  103. 0:boardflags=0x00000200
  104. 0:boardflags2=0x00000000
  105. 0:devid=0x4348
  106. 0:macaddr=00:01:36:1F:E4:5C
  107. 0:aa5g=3
  108. 0:ag0=0
  109. 0:ag1=0
  110. 0:txchain=3
  111. 0:rxchain=3
  112. 0:antswitch=0
  113. 0:tssipos5g=1
  114. 0:extpagain5g=2
  115. 0:pdetrange5g=2
  116. 0:triso5g=3
  117. 0:antswctl5g=0
  118. 0:maxp5gla0=0x64
  119. 0:maxp5ga0=0x64
  120. 0:maxp5gha0=0x64
  121. 0:maxp5gla1=0x64
  122. 0:maxp5ga1=0x64
  123. 0:maxp5gha1=0x64
  124. 0:ofdm5glpo=0x00000000
  125. 0:ofdm5gpo=0x00000000
  126. 0:ofdm5ghpo=0x33330000
  127. 0:cddpo=0x0000
  128. 0:stbcpo=0x0000
  129. 0:bw40po=0x0000
  130. 0:bwduppo=0
  131. 0:ccode=US
  132. 0:regrev=0
  133. 0:temps_period=5
  134. 0:tempthresh=120
  135. 0:temps_hysteresis=5
  136. 0:phycal_tempdelta=0
  137. 0:tempoffset=0
  138. 0:subvendid=0x0a5c
  139. 0:subdevid=0xbdc
  140. mfg_wait=on
  141. tftpd_ipaddr=
  142. tftp_rrq_timeout=3
  143. tftp_max_retries=5
  144. tftp_recv_timeout=3
  145. cfe_ping_timeout=2
  146. gpio7=wps_led
  147. 0:pa0b0=0xfed1
  148. 0:pa0b1=0x15fd
  149. 0:pa0b2=0xfac2
  150. wl0_rxchain_pwrsave_enable=0
  151. wl1_rxchain_pwrsave_enable=0
  152. wl_rxchain_pwrsave_enable=0
  153. 0:ledbh0=0x87
  154. 0:ledbh1=0xff
  155. 0:ledbh2=0xff
  156. 0:ledbh3=0x82
  157. 0:leddc=0xa0a0


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 楼主| 发表于 2019-8-4 00:13 | 显示全部楼层

  1. boardtype=0x0550
  2. boardnum=6
  3. boardrev=0x1444
  4. clkfreq=530,176,88
  5. xtalfreq=20000
  6. sdram_config=0x103
  7. sdram_ncdl=0x5800001a
  8. sdram_refresh=0x1a5b
  9. sdram_phyctl=0x00000001
  10. et0macaddr=c8:3a:35:06:a9:80
  11. et0phyaddr=30
  12. et0mdcport=0
  13. vlan1hwname=et0
  14. vlan1ports=1 2 3 4 5*
  15. vlan2hwname=et0
  16. vlan2ports=0 5
  17. landevs=vlan1 wl0 wl1
  18. wandevs=vlan2
  19. boardpwrctl=0xc00
  20. lan_ipaddr=
  21. lan_netmask=
  22. boot_wait=off
  23. wait_time=20
  24. reset_gpio=20
  25. watchdog=0
  26. boardflags=0x710
  27. boardflags2=0x9000
  28. antswctl2g=0x1
  29. sb/1/sromrev=8
  30. sb/1/devid=0x4329
  31. sb/1/macaddr=c8:3a:35:06:a9:80
  32. sb/1/boardflags=0x710
  33. sb/1/boardflags2=0x9000
  34. sb/1/ccode=0
  35. sb/1/regrev=0
  36. sb/1/ledbh0=11
  37. sb/1/ledbh1=11
  38. sb/1/ledbh2=11
  39. sb/1/ledbh3=11
  40. sb/1/ledbh5=7
  41. sb/1/ledbh6=10
  42. sb/1/leddc=0xffff
  43. sb/1/opo=0x0
  44. sb/1/aa2g=0x3
  45. sb/1/ag0=0x2
  46. sb/1/ag1=0x2
  47. sb/1/ag2=0xff
  48. sb/1/ag3=0xff
  49. sb/1/bxa2g=0x3
  50. sb/1/rssisav2g=0x7
  51. sb/1/rssismc2g=0xf
  52. sb/1/rssismf2g=0xf
  53. sb/1/tri2g=0xff
  54. sb/1/rxpo2g=0xff
  55. sb/1/txchain=0x3
  56. sb/1/rxchain=0x3
  57. sb/1/antswitch=0x0
  58. sb/1/tssipos2g=0x1
  59. sb/1/extpagain2g=0x2
  60. sb/1/pdetrange2g=0x2
  61. sb/1/triso2g=0x3
  62. sb/1/antswctl2g=0x1
  63. sb/1/cck2gpo=0x0
  64. sb/1/ofdm2gpo=0x30000000
  65. sb/1/mcs2gpo0=0x0000
  66. sb/1/mcs2gpo1=0x5200
  67. sb/1/mcs2gpo2=0x0000
  68. sb/1/mcs2gpo3=0x5200
  69. sb/1/mcs2gpo4=0x0000
  70. sb/1/mcs2gpo5=0x5200
  71. sb/1/mcs2gpo6=0x0000
  72. sb/1/mcs2gpo7=0x5200
  73. sb/1/cddpo=0x0
  74. sb/1/stbcpo=0x0
  75. sb/1/bw40po=0x0
  76. sb/1/bwduppo=0x0
  77. sb/1/maxp2ga0=0x4C
  78. sb/1/itt2ga0=0x20
  79. sb/1/maxp2ga1=0x4C
  80. sb/1/itt2ga1=0x20
  81. devpath0=usb/0xbd17
  82. 0:bw40po=0x0
  83. 0:bwduppo=0x0
  84. 0:bxa2g=0x3
  85. 0:bxa5g=0x3
  86. 0:cddpo=0x0
  87. 0:devid=0x4348
  88. 0:extpagain2g=0x2
  89. 0:extpagain5g=0x2
  90. 0:itt5ga0=0x3e
  91. 0:itt5ga1=0x3e
  92. 0:maxp5ga0=0x3C
  93. 0:maxp5ga1=0x3C
  94. 0:maxp5gha0=0x38
  95. 0:maxp5gha1=0x38
  96. 0:maxp5gla0=0x3a
  97. 0:maxp5gla1=0x3a
  98. 0:mcs5ghpo0=0x0
  99. 0:mcs5ghpo1=0x0
  100. 0:mcs5ghpo2=0x0
  101. 0:mcs5ghpo3=0x0
  102. 0:mcs5ghpo4=0x0
  103. 0:mcs5ghpo5=0x0
  104. 0:mcs5ghpo6=0x0
  105. 0:mcs5ghpo7=0x0
  106. 0:mcs5glpo0=0x0
  107. 0:mcs5glpo1=0x0
  108. 0:mcs5glpo2=0x0
  109. 0:mcs5glpo3=0x0
  110. 0:mcs5glpo4=0x0
  111. 0:mcs5glpo5=0x0
  112. 0:mcs5glpo6=0x0
  113. 0:mcs5glpo7=0x0
  114. 0:mcs5gpo0=0x0
  115. 0:mcs5gpo1=0x0
  116. 0:mcs5gpo2=0x0
  117. 0:mcs5gpo3=0x0
  118. 0:mcs5gpo4=0x0
  119. 0:mcs5gpo5=0x0
  120. 0:mcs5gpo6=0x0
  121. 0:mcs5gpo7=0x0
  122. 0:ofdm5ghpo=0x0
  123. 0:ofdm5glpo=0x0
  124. 0:ofdm5gpo=0x0
  125. 0:opo=0x0
  126. 0:pa0b0=0xfed1
  127. 0:pa0b1=0x15fd
  128. 0:pa0b2=0xfac2
  129. 0:pa0itssit=0x20
  130. 0:pa0maxpwr=0x4c
  131. 0:pa1b0=0xfecd
  132. 0:pa1b1=0x1497
  133. 0:pa1b2=0xfae3
  134. 0:pa1hib0=0xfedc
  135. 0:pa1hib1=0x144b
  136. 0:pa1hib2=0xfb01
  137. 0:pa1himaxpwr=0x3c
  138. 0:pa1itssit=0x3e
  139. 0:pa1lob0=0xfe87
  140. 0:pa1lob1=0x1637
  141. 0:pa1lob2=0xfa8e
  142. 0:pa1lomaxpwr=0x3a
  143. 0:pa1maxpwr=0x40
  144. 0:pa5ghw0a0=0xfec7
  145. 0:pa5ghw0a1=0xfe96
  146. 0:pa5ghw2a0=0xfb4a
  147. 0:pa5ghw2a1=0xfb1d
  148. 0:pa5glw0a0=0xfe87
  149. 0:pa5glw0a1=0xfe9a
  150. 0:pa5glw2a0=0xfa8e
  151. 0:pa5glw2a1=0xfabc
  152. 0:pa5gw0a0=0xfe8c
  153. 0:pa5gw0a1=0xfe88
  154. 0:pa5gw2a0=0xfaf4
  155. 0:pa5gw2a1=0xfaf0
  156. 0:pdetrange2g=0x2
  157. 0:pdetrange5g=0x2
  158. 0:rssisav5g=0x7
  159. 0:rssismc5g=0xf
  160. 0:rssismf5g=0xf
  161. 0:rxpo5g=0xff
  162. 0:stbcpo=0x0
  163. 0:tri5g=0xff
  164. 0:tri5gh=0xff
  165. 0:tri5gl=0xff
  166. 0:triso5g=0x3
  167. 0:tssipos5g=0x1
  168. 0:sromrev=8
  169. 0:vendid=0x14e4
  170. 0:subvendid=0x0a5c
  171. 0:subdevid=0xbdc
  172. 0:macaddr=c8:3a:35:06:a9:84
  173. 0:cctl=0
  174. 0:ccode=US
  175. 0:regrev=0x0
  176. 0:ledbh0=0x87
  177. 0:ledbh1=0xff
  178. 0:ledbh2=0xff
  179. 0:ledbh3=0x82
  180. 0:leddc=0xa0a0
  181. 0:aa2g=0x3
  182. 0:aa5g=0x3
  183. 0:ag0=0x2
  184. 0:ag1=0x2
  185. 0:ag2=0xff
  186. 0:ag3=0xff
  187. 0:txchain=0x3
  188. 0:rxchain=0x3
  189. 0:antswitch=0
  190. 0:boardflags2=0x0
  191. 0:boardflags=0x200
  192. 0:boardrev=0x1444
  193. 0:boardtype=0x0521
  194. 0:antswctl2g=0x0
  195. 0:antswctl5g=0
  196. gpio22=wombo_reset
  197. gpio20=wps_button
  198. gpio7=wps_led
  199. wl_msglevel=0x1
  200. sb/1/tempthresh=120
  201. sb/1/temps_period=5
  202. sb/1/temps_hysteresis=5
  203. qtdc_vid=2652
  204. qtdc_pid=48407
  205. qtdc1_sz=10
  206. qtdc0_sz=0
  207. qtdc1_ep=18
  208. qtdc0_ep=4
  209. console_loglevel=1
  210. ehciirqt=1
  211. log2_irq_thresh=3
  212. et_dispatch_mode=1
  213. wl_dispatch_mode=1
  214. tftp_boot_cmd=
  215. sb/1/pa2gw0a0=0xffce
  216. sb/1/pa2gw1a0=0x1545
  217. sb/1/pa2gw2a0=0xfb8f
  218. sb/1/pa2gw0a1=0xffd5
  219. sb/1/pa2gw1a1=0x17f2
  220. sb/1/pa2gw2a1=0xfb6f
  221. sdram_init=0x0000
  222. 0:pa5glw1a0=0x1537
  223. 0:pa5gw1a0=0x15c3
  224. 0:pa5ghw1a0=0x15a0
  225. 0:pa5glw1a1=0x1591
  226. 0:pa5gw1a1=0x15c6
  227. 0:pa5ghw1a1=0x15dc


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