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发表于 2014-4-6 16:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 wjch1978 于 2014-4-6 16:33 编辑

开机后一直按CTAL+c ,但无法取得控制权,大家帮帮我吗

CFE为WGR614v8版本: 1.3
建立时间:星期三04月04日11:00:42 CST 2007
ET0 :博通BCM47xx 10/100 Mbps以太网控制器4.138.1.0
设备为eth0: HWADDR 00 - 1F- 33 -2C- B7- 98 , IPADDR ,掩码255.255.255.0
CPU的版本是: 00029029
一级指令缓存16KB, LINESIZE 16个字节( 4路)
主数据缓存16KB, LINESIZE 16个字节( 2种方法)
的Linux版本2.4.20 (珍妮@阳光) ( gcc版本3.2.3与Broadcom修改) # 1星期二9月1日八点51分15秒CST 2009
内存: 01000000 @ 00000000 (可用)
在节点0总页数: 4096
区( 0 ) : 4096页。
区( 1 ) : 0页。
区( 2 ) : 0页。
内核命令行:root = / dev/mtdblock2 noinitrd控制台=为ttyS0 , 115200
CPU : BCM5354转3频率为240 MHz
校准延迟循环... 237.56 bogoMIPS的
内存: 14460k/16384k可用( 1364k内核代码, 1924k保留, 108K数据, 60K的init , 0K HIGHMEM )
的dentry缓存哈希表中的条目: 2048 (顺序: 2 , 16384字节)
inode缓存哈希表中的条目: 1024 (顺序:1 , 8192字节)
挂载缓存哈希表项: 512 (顺序: 0 , 4096字节)
缓冲区高速缓存哈希表中的条目: 1024 (顺序: 0 , 4096字节)
页面缓存哈希表中的条目: 4096 (顺序: 2 , 16384字节)
PCI :没有核心
PCI :修复了总线0
NET4.0的Linux在Linux 2.4
devfs的: v1.12c ( 20020818 )理查德·古奇( rgooch@atnf.csiro.au
devfs的: boot_options : 0X1
的squashfs 2.2 - R2(发布2005/09/08 ) ( C) 2002-2005菲利普Lougher
串口驱动程序版本5.05c ( 2001-07-08 )与MANY_PORTS SHARE_IRQ SERIAL_PCI启用
ttyS00在0xb8000300 (IRQ = 3)是一个16550A
ttyS01在0xb8000400 (IRQ = 0)是一个16550A
PFLASH :没有发现任何支持的设备
SFLASH :的squashfs文件系统在块622发现
在“ SFLASH ”创建8 MTD分区:
00000000 - 0x00020000 : “开机”
0x00020000 - 0x007b0000 : “ Linux的”
0x0009b98c - 0x007b0000 : “根文件系统”
0x007b0000 - 0x007c0000 : “ T_Meter1 ”
0x007c0000 - 0x007d0000 : “ T_Meter2 ”
0x007d0000 - 0x007e0000 : “锅”
0x007e0000 - 0x007f0000 : “ board_data ”
0x007f0000 - 0x00800000 : “ NVRAM ”
NET4 : Linux的TCP / IP协议1.0 NET4.0
IP :路由缓存哈希的512桶, 4K字节表
TCP :配置哈希表(设立1024绑定2048 )
NET4 : Unix域套接字1.0/SMP为Linux NET4.0 。
NET4 :以太网桥008 NET4.0
802.1Q VLAN支持V1.7奔Greear <greearb@candelatech.com>
由大卫·S ·米勒<davem@redhat.com>添加了所有的bug
VFS :安装根(的squashfs文件系统)只读。
在/ dev挂载devfs的
释放未使用的内核内存: 60K释放
Algorithmics公司/ MIPS的FPU模拟器V1.5
WSC的UUID : 0xd1c9a172b5f7b72f35bb4cf0531b0ec8
使用/ lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/net/et/et.o
使用/ lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/net/wl/wl.o
eth1的:忽略I / F由于错误( S)
无线网络配置的简单应用 - 英特尔公司
版本: 1.0.5建设, 2006年11月19日
初始化堆栈... apLockDownLog_init , counttion = 300 ,持续时间= 300 !

按钮,显示器开始...... !
得到的mac = 00 FF FF FF FF FF
WSC的UUID : 0xd1c9a172b5f7b72f35bb4cf0531b0ec8
使用/ lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/net/ipv4/acos_nat/acos_nat.o
信息, udhcp服务器( v0.9.8 )开始
WL :不支持
信息, udhcp客户端( v0.9.8 )开始
VLAN1 :没有这样的过程
按回车键继续......设备PIN : 12345670


设备PIN : 12345670
WSC :在unconfiged AP模式,等待启动命令....

只谈技术、莫论政事!(点击见详情) | 恩山无线论坛欢迎您的来访,请互相尊重、友善交流,建议保持一颗平常心看待网友的评论,切勿过度反应。
 楼主| 发表于 2014-4-6 16:34 | 显示全部楼层
CFE for WGR614v8 version: 1.3
Build Date: Wed Apr  4 11:00:42 CST 2007
et0: Broadcom BCM47xx 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller
Device eth0:  hwaddr 00-1F-33-2C-B7-98, ipaddr, mask
        gateway not set, nameserver not set
Loading ........................................
CPU revision is: 00029029
Primary instruction cache 16kb, linesize 16 bytes (4 ways)
Primary data cache 16kb, linesize 16 bytes (2 ways)
Linux version 2.4.20 (jenny@sunshine) (gcc version 3.2.3 with Broadcom modifications) #1 Tue Sep 1 08:51:15 CST 2009
Setting the PFC to its default value
Determined physical RAM map:
memory: 01000000 @ 00000000 (usable)
On node 0 totalpages: 4096
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 0 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
Kernel command line: root=/dev/mtdblock2 noinitrd console=ttyS0,115200
CPU: BCM5354 rev 3 at 240 MHz
Calibrating delay loop... 237.56 BogoMIPS
Memory: 14460k/16384k available (1364k kernel code, 1924k reserved, 108k data, 60k init, 0k highmem)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Inode cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Buffer-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Page-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Checking for 'wait' instruction...  unavailable.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
PCI: no core
PCI: Fixing up bus 0
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
Initializing RT netlink socket
Starting kswapd
devfs: v1.12c (20020818) Richard Gooch (rgooch@atnf.csiro.au)
devfs: boot_options: 0x1
Squashfs 2.2-r2 (released 2005/09/08) (C) 2002-2005 Phillip Lougher
Serial driver version 5.05c (2001-07-08) with MANY_PORTS SHARE_IRQ SERIAL_PCI enabled
ttyS00 at 0xb8000300 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0xb8000400 (irq = 0) is a 16550A
PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
pflash: found no supported devices
sflash: squashfs filesystem found at block 622
Creating 8 MTD partitions on "sflash":
0x00000000-0x00020000 : "boot"
0x00020000-0x007b0000 : "linux"
0x0009b98c-0x007b0000 : "rootfs"
0x007b0000-0x007c0000 : "T_Meter1"
0x007c0000-0x007d0000 : "T_Meter2"
0x007d0000-0x007e0000 : "POT"
0x007e0000-0x007f0000 : "board_data"
0x007f0000-0x00800000 : "nvram"
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
IP: routing cache hash table of 512 buckets, 4Kbytes
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 2048)
Linux IP multicast router 0.06 plus PIM-SM
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
NET4: Ethernet Bridge 008 for NET4.0
802.1Q VLAN Support v1.7 Ben Greear <greearb@candelatech.com>
All bugs added by David S. Miller <davem@redhat.com>
VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly.
Mounted devfs on /dev
Freeing unused kernel memory: 60k freed
Algorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5
Reading board data...
PIN number not found!
WSC UUID: 0xd1c9a172b5f7b72f35bb4cf0531b0ec8
invalid RF magic!
Using /lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/net/et/et.o
Using /lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/net/wl/wl.o
Hit enter to continue...WARNING: console log level set to 1
eth1: ignore i/f due to error(s)
Wi-Fi Simple Config Application - Intel Corp.
Version: Build 1.0.5, November 19 2006
Initializing stack...apLockDownLog_init, counttion = 300, duration = 300!
Now starting stack
button monitor start...!
get mac = 00 FF FF FF FF FF
Reading board data...
PIN number not found!
WSC UUID: 0xd1c9a172b5f7b72f35bb4cf0531b0ec8
Using /lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/net/ipv4/acos_nat/acos_nat.o
Info: No FWPT default policies.
info, udhcp server (v0.9.8) started
error, unable to parse 'option wins '
error, unable to parse 'option domain '
POT signature check failed.
wl: Unsupported
Start DHCP client daemon
info, udhcp client (v0.9.8) started
vlan1: No such process
Hit enter to continue...DEVICE PIN: 12345670

******* MODE: Access Point *******

DEVICE PIN:12345670
WSC: In unconfiged AP mode, wait for start command....
Waiting for Registrar to connect...

CFE for WGR614v8 version: 1.3
Build Date: Wed Apr  4 11:00:42 CST 2007
et0: Broadcom BCM47xx 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Controller
Device eth0:  hwaddr 00-1F-33-2C-B7-98, ipaddr, mask
        gateway not set, nameserver not set
Loading .........................................
CPU revision is: 00029029
Primary instruction cache 16kb, linesize 16 bytes (4 ways)
Primary data cache 16kb, linesize 16 bytes (2 ways)
Linux version 2.4.20 (jenny@sunshine) (gcc version 3.2.3 with Broadcom modifications) #1 Tue Sep 1 08:51:15 CST 2009
Setting the PFC to its default value
Determined physical RAM map:
memory: 01000000 @ 00000000 (usable)
On node 0 totalpages: 4096
zone(0): 4096 pages.
zone(1): 0 pages.
zone(2): 0 pages.
Kernel command line: root=/dev/mtdblock2 noinitrd console=ttyS0,115200
CPU: BCM5354 rev 3 at 240 MHz
Calibrating delay loop... 237.56 BogoMIPS
Memory: 14460k/16384k available (1364k kernel code, 1924k reserved, 108k data, 60k init, 0k highmem)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Inode cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
Mount-cache hash table entries: 512 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Buffer-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Page-cache hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
Checking for 'wait' instruction...  unavailable.
POSIX conformance testing by UNIFIX
PCI: no core
PCI: Fixing up bus 0
Linux NET4.0 for Linux 2.4
Based upon Swansea University Computer Society NET3.039
Initializing RT netlink socket
Starting kswapd
devfs: v1.12c (20020818) Richard Gooch (rgooch@atnf.csiro.au)
devfs: boot_options: 0x1
Squashfs 2.2-r2 (released 2005/09/08) (C) 2002-2005 Phillip Lougher
Serial driver version 5.05c (2001-07-08) with MANY_PORTS SHARE_IRQ SERIAL_PCI enabled
ttyS00 at 0xb8000300 (irq = 3) is a 16550A
ttyS01 at 0xb8000400 (irq = 0) is a 16550A
PPP generic driver version 2.4.2
pflash: found no supported devices
sflash: squashfs filesystem found at block 622
Creating 8 MTD partitions on "sflash":
0x00000000-0x00020000 : "boot"
0x00020000-0x007b0000 : "linux"
0x0009b98c-0x007b0000 : "rootfs"
0x007b0000-0x007c0000 : "T_Meter1"
0x007c0000-0x007d0000 : "T_Meter2"
0x007d0000-0x007e0000 : "POT"
0x007e0000-0x007f0000 : "board_data"
0x007f0000-0x00800000 : "nvram"
NET4: Linux TCP/IP 1.0 for NET4.0
IP Protocols: ICMP, UDP, TCP, IGMP
IP: routing cache hash table of 512 buckets, 4Kbytes
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 2048)
Linux IP multicast router 0.06 plus PIM-SM
NET4: Unix domain sockets 1.0/SMP for Linux NET4.0.
NET4: Ethernet Bridge 008 for NET4.0
802.1Q VLAN Support v1.7 Ben Greear <greearb@candelatech.com>
All bugs added by David S. Miller <davem@redhat.com>
VFS: Mounted root (squashfs filesystem) readonly.
Mounted devfs on /dev
Freeing unused kernel memory: 60k freed
Algorithmics/MIPS FPU Emulator v1.5
Reading board data...
PIN number not found!
WSC UUID: 0xd1c9a172b5f7b72f35bb4cf0531b0ec8
invalid RF magic!
Using /lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/net/et/et.o
Using /lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/drivers/net/wl/wl.o
Hit enter to continue...WARNING: console log level set to 1
eth1: ignore i/f due to error(s)
Wi-Fi Simple Config Application - Intel Corp.
Version: Build 1.0.5, November 19 2006
Initializing stack...button monitor start...!
apLockDownLog_init, counttion = 300, duration = 300!
Now starting stack
get mac = 00 FF FF FF FF FF
Reading board data...
PIN number not found!
WSC UUID: 0xd1c9a172b5f7b72f35bb4cf0531b0ec8
Using /lib/modules/2.4.20/kernel/net/ipv4/acos_nat/acos_nat.o
Info: No FWPT default policies.
info, udhcp server (v0.9.8) started
error, unable to parse 'option wins '
error, unable to parse 'option domain '
POT signature check failed.
wl: Unsupported
Start DHCP client daemon
info, udhcp client (v0.9.8) started
vlan1: No such process
Hit enter to continue...DEVICE PIN: 12345670

******* MODE: Access Point *******

DEVICE PIN:12345670
WSC: In unconfiged AP mode, wait for start command....
Waiting for Registrar to connect...
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