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发表于 2019-12-29 17:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
想要在QCA9531上刷自己折腾的OpenWrt固件,因为需要有些特殊的功能 需要自己编写代码,不是简单得做一个路由器
但是现在在Ubuntu上搭建环境的时候 make时候出了点问题,因为以前没有接触过所以不知道从哪下手,希望有大佬能帮忙,可以有偿


After copying the necessary files to the appropriate directories, enter the following commands to continue with the process of generating the QSDK framework:

$ repo init -u git://codeaurora.org/quic/qsdk/releases/manifest/qstak -b release -m caf_AU_LINUX_QSDK_NHSS.QSDK_MIPS.6.0.R4_TARGET_ALL.0.2.3900.010.xml --repourl=git://codeaurora.org/tools/repo.git --repo-branch=caf-stable
  repo init -u git://codeaurora.org/quic/qsdk/releases/manifest/qstak -b release -m caf_AU_LINUX_QSDK_NHSS.QSDK_MIPS.6.0.R4_TARGET_ALL.0.2.3900.010.xml --repo-url=git://codeaurora.org/tools/repo.git --repo-branch=caf-stable
$ repo sync -j8 --no-tags -c
$ mkdir -p qsdk/dl
$ cp -rf ~/QCA9531/NHSS.QSDK_MIPS.6.0/apss_proc/out/proprietary/Wifi/qsdk-qca-wifi/* qsdk
$ cp -rf ~/QCA9531/NHSS.QSDK_MIPS.6.0/apss_proc/out/proprietary/Wifi/qsdk-qca-wlan/* qsdk
$ cp -rf ~/QCA9531/NHSS.QSDK_MIPS.6.0/apss_proc/out/proprietary/Wifi/qsdk-qca-art/* qsdk
$ cp -rf ~/QCA9531/NHSS.QSDK_MIPS.6.0/apss_proc/out/proprietary/Wifi/qsdk-qca-athdiag/* qsdk
$ cp -rf ~/QCA9531/NHSS.QSDK_MIPS.6.0/apss_proc/out/proprietary/Wifi/qsdk-ieee1905-security/* qsdk
$ cp -rf ~/QCA9531/NHSS.QSDK_MIPS.6.0/apss_proc/out/proprietary/QSDK-Base/qca-lib/* qsdk
$ cp ~/QCA9531/WLAN.BL.3.6/cnss_proc/src/components/* qsdk/dl
4. (Optional) This step applies only for QCA9531.ILQ.6.0/QCA9563.ILQ.6.0.
$ cp ~/QCA9531/WLAN.BL.3.6/cnss_proc/bin/QCA9888/hw.2/* qsdk/dl

Run the following commands for all chipsets, regardless of whether they are
QCA9558.ILQ.6.0, QCA9531.ILQ.6.0, or QCA9563.ILQ.6.0.
$ tar xzvf ~/QCA9531/WLAN.BL.3.6/cnss_proc/src/components/qca-wifi-fw-src-component-cmn-WLAN.BL.3.6-00139-S-1.tgz -C qsdk/dl
$ tar xzvf ~/QCA9531/WLAN.BL.3.6/cnss_proc/src/components/qca-wifi-fw-src-component-halphy_tools-WLAN.BL.3.6-00139-S-1.tgz -C qsdk/dl
$ cp CNSS.PS.2.6/* qsdk/dl/
(Optional) This step applies only to WHC customers.
$ cp -rf ~/QCA9531/NHSS.QSDK_MIPS.6.0/apss_proc/out/proprietary/Wifi/qsdk-whc/* qsdk
$ cp -rf ~/QCA9531/NHSS.QSDK_MIPS.6.0/apss_proc/out/proprietary/Wifi/qsdk-whcpy/* qsdk

The QSDK framework has been developed using Ubuntu (version 14.04), and Debian. However, QSDK framework regenerates critical tools required to compile firmware at build-time. In that sense, the framework is independent from the host environment; although it is developed using the distributions above, it is expected to work on others such as RedHat, Mint, or Fedora. This command is for Debian/Ubuntu; it must be customized for other distributions:
$ sudo apt-get install gcc g++ binutils patch bzip2 flex make gettext \
pkg-config unzip zlib1g-dev libc6-dev subversion libncurses5-dev gawk \
sharutils curl libxml-parser-perl ocaml-nox ocaml-nox ocaml ocaml-findlib \
libpcre3-dev binutils-gold python-yaml

Since the framework automatically downloads the open source components, make sure an internet connection is active on the build host while creating the build.
To create the QSDK build, enter the following commands:
1. Install the different feeds in the build framework.
$ cd qsdk
$ make package/symlinks

Copy the base configuration to use for the build.
$ cp qca/configs/qca955x.ln/ar71xx_premium_beeliner.config .config

Regenerate a complete configuration file and start the build:
$ make defconfig
4. (Optional) This step applies only for QCA9531.ILQ.6.0/QCA9563.ILQ.6.0.
$ sed -i -e '/CONFIG_PACKAGE_qca-wifi-fw-hw7-10.4-asic/d' .config
$ sed -i -e '/CONFIG_PACKAGE_qca-wifi-fw-hw9-10.4-asic/d' .config
$ make V=s -j5

但是这样编译老是报错 错误还不一样

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发表于 2020-4-16 17:39 | 显示全部楼层
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