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总是提示cpu警告,有风扇辅助,开放空间,温度手感 略凉

2022-03-03T12:48:17.602Z cpu2:2097582)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-03-03T12:48:18.127Z cpu1:2097600)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-03-03T12:48:18.127Z cpu1:2097600)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-03-03T12:48:18.141Z cpu1:2097600)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 47
2022-03-03T12:48:18.141Z cpu1:2097600)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-03-03T12:48:20.830Z cpu1:2097730)WARNING: Tcpip: 1308: failed to unset gateway (error = 0x31)
2022-03-03T12:48:22.679Z cpu3:2097746)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-03-03T12:48:31.319Z cpu1:2097480)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-03-03T12:48:32.923Z cpu3:2098062)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-03-03T12:48:32.923Z cpu3:2098062)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-03-03T12:48:33.354Z cpu0:2098108)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-03-03T12:48:33.355Z cpu0:2098108)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-03-03T12:48:59.588Z cpu1:2099396)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
2022-03-03T12:49:52.033Z cpu0:2097730)WARNING: Tcpip: 1308: failed to unset gateway (error = 0x31)
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.398 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-03-03T12:57:45.438Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T12:57:45.439Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T12:57:45.439Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T12:57:47.487Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T12:57:47.488Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T12:57:47.490Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T12:57:47.533Z cpu2:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-03-03T12:57:48.060Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-03-03T12:57:48.060Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-03-03T12:57:48.072Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-03-03T12:57:48.072Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-03-03T12:57:50.897Z cpu2:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-03-03T12:57:59.398Z cpu3:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-03-03T12:58:00.820Z cpu2:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-03-03T12:58:00.820Z cpu2:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-03-03T12:58:01.270Z cpu0:2098083)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-03-03T12:58:01.270Z cpu0:2098083)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-03-03T12:58:25.322Z cpu0:2099264)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-03-03T13:01:08.438Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T13:01:08.439Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T13:01:08.439Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T13:01:10.431Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T13:01:10.433Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T13:01:10.434Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T13:01:10.480Z cpu1:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-03-03T13:01:11.038Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-03-03T13:01:11.038Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-03-03T13:01:11.052Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-03-03T13:01:11.052Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-03-03T13:01:13.899Z cpu0:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-03-03T13:01:22.396Z cpu0:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-03-03T13:01:23.809Z cpu0:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-03-03T13:01:23.809Z cpu0:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-03-03T13:01:24.259Z cpu0:2098083)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-03-03T13:01:24.259Z cpu0:2098083)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-03-03T13:01:48.085Z cpu0:2099250)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
2022-03-03T13:26:10.595Z cpu0:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2099533(vmx-vcpu-0:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2099534(LSI-2099525:0)
2022-03-03T13:26:13.488Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099525: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-03-03T13:26:13.488Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099525: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-03-03T13:26:13.488Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099525: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-03-03T13:26:13.488Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099525: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-03-03T13:26:13.488Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099525: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-03-03T13:26:13.488Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099525: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-03-03T13:26:13.488Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099525: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.402 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-03-03T13:27:18.439Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T13:27:18.440Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T13:27:18.440Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T13:27:20.488Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T13:27:20.490Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T13:27:20.491Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-03T13:27:20.537Z cpu3:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-03-03T13:27:21.064Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-03-03T13:27:21.064Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-03-03T13:27:21.076Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-03-03T13:27:21.076Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-03-03T13:27:23.896Z cpu1:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-03-03T13:27:32.410Z cpu3:2097481)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-03-03T13:27:33.820Z cpu3:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-03-03T13:27:33.820Z cpu3:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-03-03T13:27:34.268Z cpu2:2098083)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-03-03T13:27:34.268Z cpu2:2098083)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-03-03T13:27:58.344Z cpu2:2099262)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
2022-03-03T13:54:02.593Z cpu2:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2099306(vmx-vcpu-0:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2099307(LSI-2099297:0)
2022-03-03T13:54:03.709Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099297: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-03-03T13:54:03.709Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099297: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-03-03T13:54:03.709Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099297: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-03-03T13:54:03.709Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099297: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-03-03T13:54:03.709Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099297: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-03-03T13:54:03.709Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099297: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-03-03T13:54:03.709Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099297: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
2022-03-03T14:09:02.594Z cpu0:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2100114(vmx-vcpu-0:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2100115(LSI-2100106:0)
2022-03-03T14:09:04.363Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100106: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-03-03T14:09:04.363Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100106: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-03-03T14:09:04.363Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100106: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-03-03T14:09:04.363Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100106: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-03-03T14:09:04.363Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100106: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-03-03T14:09:04.363Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100106: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-03-03T14:09:04.363Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100106: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
2022-03-03T14:16:08.594Z cpu1:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2100534(vmx-vcpu-0:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2100535(LSI-2100526:0)
2022-03-03T14:16:09.195Z cpu0:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100526: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-03-03T14:16:09.195Z cpu0:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100526: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-03-03T14:16:09.195Z cpu0:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100526: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-03-03T14:16:09.195Z cpu0:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100526: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-03-03T14:16:09.195Z cpu0:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100526: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-03-03T14:16:09.195Z cpu0:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100526: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-03-03T14:16:09.195Z cpu0:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100526: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
2022-03-03T14:24:38.595Z cpu3:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2100803(vmx-vcpu-1:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2100802(LSI-2100793:0)
2022-03-03T14:24:41.517Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100793: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-03-03T14:24:41.517Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100793: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-03-03T14:24:41.517Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100793: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-03-03T14:24:41.517Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100793: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-03-03T14:24:41.517Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100793: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-03-03T14:24:41.517Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100793: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-03-03T14:24:41.517Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2100793: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
2022-03-03T15:28:19.407Z cpu3:2102402)WARNING: VSCSI: 7404: handle 8207(vscsi6:2):2 IOs left on result List
2022-03-03T15:28:19.559Z cpu0:2097185)WARNING: PFrame: vm 2102403: 2489: Deallocating pinned bpn 0x1000755e6, pinCount 1 throttle 0.
2022-03-03T15:59:31.056Z cpu1:2097557)WARNING: xhci_configure_recover_endpoint:4427: udev 0x430860e6ba30, endpoint 0x81: invalid state 5: Failure
2022-03-03T15:59:31.056Z cpu3:2097557)WARNING: xhci_configure_recover_endpoint:4427: udev 0x430860e6ba30, endpoint 0x81: invalid state 5: Failure
2022-03-03T17:20:13.691Z cpu3:2097707)WARNING: ScsiDeviceIO: 1564: Device t10.ATA_____ST1000LM0352D1RK172__________________________________WL1K2209 performance has deteriorated. I/O latency increased from average value of 3278
2022-03-03T17:20:13.691Z cpu3:2097707)WARNING: microseconds to 103368 microseconds.
2022-03-04T11:41:20.597Z cpu3:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2101371(vmx-vcpu-0:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2101372(LSI-2101363:0)
2022-03-04T11:41:22.967Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2101363: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-03-04T11:41:22.967Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2101363: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-03-04T11:41:22.967Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2101363: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-03-04T11:41:22.967Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2101363: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-03-04T11:41:22.967Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2101363: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-03-04T11:41:22.967Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2101363: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-03-04T11:41:22.967Z cpu2:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2101363: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
2022-03-07T22:10:08.608Z cpu2:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2109623(vmx-vcpu-0:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2109624(LSI-2109615:0)
2022-03-07T22:10:10.255Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2109615: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-03-07T22:10:10.255Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2109615: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-03-07T22:10:10.255Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2109615: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-03-07T22:10:10.255Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2109615: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-03-07T22:10:10.255Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2109615: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-03-07T22:10:10.255Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2109615: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-03-07T22:10:10.255Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2109615: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-03-07T22:11:16.435Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-07T22:11:16.436Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-07T22:11:16.436Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-07T22:11:18.433Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-07T22:11:18.435Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-07T22:11:18.436Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-03-07T22:11:18.502Z cpu0:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-03-07T22:11:19.051Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-03-07T22:11:19.051Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-03-07T22:11:19.063Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-03-07T22:11:19.063Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-03-07T22:11:21.896Z cpu2:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-03-07T22:11:30.413Z cpu1:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-03-07T22:11:31.879Z cpu0:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-03-07T22:11:31.879Z cpu0:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-03-07T22:11:32.322Z cpu1:2098083)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-03-07T22:11:32.322Z cpu1:2098083)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-03-07T22:11:56.426Z cpu0:2099260)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
2022-03-08T14:08:53.222Z cpu3:2097707)WARNING: ScsiDeviceIO: 1564: Device t10.ATA_____ST1000LM0352D1RK172__________________________________WL1K2209 performance has deteriorated. I/O latency increased from average value of 2533
2022-03-08T14:08:53.222Z cpu3:2097707)WARNING: microseconds to 78977 microseconds.
2022-03-08T14:08:56.225Z cpu0:2097707)WARNING: ScsiDeviceIO: 1564: Device t10.ATA_____ST1000LM0352D1RK172__________________________________WL1K2209 performance has deteriorated. I/O latency increased from average value of 2820
2022-03-08T14:08:56.225Z cpu0:2097707)WARNING: microseconds to 92663 microseconds.
2022-03-08T14:09:01.559Z cpu0:2097174)WARNING: ScsiDeviceIO: 1564: Device t10.ATA_____ST1000LM0352D1RK172__________________________________WL1K2209 performance has deteriorated. I/O latency increased from average value of 3297
2022-03-08T14:09:01.559Z cpu0:2097174)WARNING: microseconds to 112356 microseconds.
2022-03-08T14:09:09.048Z cpu0:2097707)WARNING: ScsiDeviceIO: 1564: Device t10.ATA_____ST1000LM0352D1RK172__________________________________WL1K2209 performance has deteriorated. I/O latency increased from average value of 3933
2022-03-08T14:09:09.048Z cpu0:2097707)WARNING: microseconds to 124185 microseconds.
2022-03-08T14:09:14.650Z cpu0:2097707)WARNING: ScsiDeviceIO: 1564: Device t10.ATA_____ST1000LM0352D1RK172__________________________________WL1K2209 performance has deteriorated. I/O latency increased from average value of 4340
2022-03-08T14:09:14.650Z cpu0:2097707)WARNING: microseconds to 132484 microseconds.
2022-03-08T14:09:16.555Z cpu0:2097707)WARNING: ScsiDeviceIO: 1564: Device t10.ATA_____ST1000LM0352D1RK172__________________________________WL1K2209 performance has deteriorated. I/O latency increased from average value of 4524
2022-03-08T14:09:16.555Z cpu0:2097707)WARNING: microseconds to 139517 microseconds.
2022-03-09T23:03:03.196Z cpu0:2097174)WARNING: ScsiDeviceIO: 1564: Device t10.ATA_____ST1000LM0352D1RK172__________________________________WL1K2209 performance has deteriorated. I/O latency increased from average value of 7067
2022-03-09T23:03:03.196Z cpu0:2097174)WARNING: microseconds to 219356 microseconds.
2022-03-29T22:40:24.758Z cpu3:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2099305(vmx-vcpu-1:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2099304(LSI-2099295:0)
2022-03-29T22:40:25.912Z cpu3:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099295: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-03-29T22:40:25.912Z cpu3:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099295: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-03-29T22:40:25.912Z cpu3:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099295: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-03-29T22:40:25.912Z cpu3:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099295: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-03-29T22:40:25.912Z cpu3:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099295: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-03-29T22:40:25.912Z cpu3:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099295: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-03-29T22:40:25.912Z cpu3:2097188)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099295: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.402 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-04-02T06:14:35.440Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-02T06:14:35.441Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-02T06:14:35.441Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-02T06:14:37.492Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-02T06:14:37.494Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-02T06:14:37.496Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-02T06:14:37.539Z cpu0:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-04-02T06:14:38.063Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-04-02T06:14:38.063Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-04-02T06:14:38.075Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-04-02T06:14:38.075Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-04-02T06:14:40.921Z cpu3:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-04-02T06:14:49.535Z cpu2:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-04-02T06:14:50.982Z cpu1:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-04-02T06:14:50.982Z cpu1:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-04-02T06:14:51.396Z cpu0:2098083)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-04-02T06:14:51.396Z cpu0:2098083)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-04-02T06:15:15.534Z cpu2:2099272)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.398 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-04-14T15:32:15.440Z cpu2:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-14T15:32:15.441Z cpu2:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-14T15:32:15.441Z cpu2:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-14T15:32:17.433Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-14T15:32:17.435Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-14T15:32:17.437Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-14T15:32:17.503Z cpu0:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-04-14T15:32:18.050Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-04-14T15:32:18.050Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-04-14T15:32:18.062Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-04-14T15:32:18.063Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-04-14T15:32:20.895Z cpu0:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-04-14T15:32:29.671Z cpu2:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-04-14T15:32:31.138Z cpu3:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-04-14T15:32:31.138Z cpu3:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-04-14T15:32:31.706Z cpu1:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-04-14T15:32:31.707Z cpu1:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-04-14T15:32:56.197Z cpu2:2099254)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
2022-04-14T15:33:38.594Z cpu0:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2099425(vmx-vcpu-0:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2099426(LSI-2099289:0)
2022-04-14T15:33:40.023Z cpu3:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099289: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-04-14T15:33:40.023Z cpu3:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099289: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-04-14T15:33:40.023Z cpu3:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099289: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-04-14T15:33:40.023Z cpu3:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099289: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-04-14T15:33:40.023Z cpu3:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099289: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-04-14T15:33:40.023Z cpu3:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099289: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-04-14T15:33:40.023Z cpu3:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099289: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-04-14T15:34:48.440Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-14T15:34:48.441Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-14T15:34:48.441Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-14T15:34:50.488Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-14T15:34:50.490Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-14T15:34:50.491Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-04-14T15:34:50.535Z cpu2:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-04-14T15:34:51.061Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-04-14T15:34:51.061Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-04-14T15:34:51.073Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-04-14T15:34:51.073Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-04-14T15:34:53.903Z cpu0:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-04-14T15:35:02.566Z cpu0:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-04-14T15:35:04.053Z cpu2:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-04-14T15:35:04.053Z cpu2:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-04-14T15:35:04.619Z cpu0:2098083)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-04-14T15:35:04.619Z cpu0:2098083)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-04-14T15:35:29.159Z cpu0:2099252)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.402 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-05-03T14:28:17.438Z cpu2:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-03T14:28:17.438Z cpu2:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-03T14:28:17.439Z cpu2:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-03T14:28:19.434Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-03T14:28:19.436Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-03T14:28:19.437Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-03T14:28:19.504Z cpu0:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-05-03T14:28:20.050Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-05-03T14:28:20.050Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-05-03T14:28:20.062Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-05-03T14:28:20.062Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-03T14:28:22.901Z cpu1:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-05-03T14:28:31.513Z cpu2:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-05-03T14:28:32.968Z cpu3:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-05-03T14:28:32.968Z cpu3:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-05-03T14:28:33.386Z cpu3:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-05-03T14:28:33.386Z cpu3:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-03T14:28:57.294Z cpu0:2099250)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
2022-05-04T21:55:34.592Z cpu1:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2099422(vmx-vcpu-1:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2099421(LSI-2099285:0)
2022-05-04T21:55:36.179Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099285: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-05-04T21:55:36.179Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099285: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-05-04T21:55:36.179Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099285: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-05-04T21:55:36.179Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099285: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-05-04T21:55:36.179Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099285: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-05-04T21:55:36.179Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099285: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-05-04T21:55:36.179Z cpu2:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099285: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.402 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-05-04T21:56:49.438Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-04T21:56:49.438Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-04T21:56:49.439Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-04T21:56:51.487Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-04T21:56:51.489Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-04T21:56:51.491Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-04T21:56:51.535Z cpu3:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-05-04T21:56:52.062Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-05-04T21:56:52.062Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-05-04T21:56:52.074Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-05-04T21:56:52.074Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-04T21:56:54.909Z cpu1:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-05-04T21:57:03.505Z cpu2:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-05-04T21:57:04.947Z cpu3:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-05-04T21:57:04.947Z cpu3:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-05-04T21:57:05.362Z cpu3:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-05-04T21:57:05.362Z cpu3:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-04T21:57:29.206Z cpu1:2099249)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
2022-05-05T08:38:12.378Z cpu0:2097707)WARNING: ScsiDeviceIO: 1564: Device t10.ATA_____ST1000LM0352D1RK172__________________________________WL1K2209 performance has deteriorated. I/O latency increased from average value of 7015
2022-05-05T08:38:12.378Z cpu0:2097707)WARNING: microseconds to 210809 microseconds.
2022-05-05T08:38:30.178Z cpu0:2097707)WARNING: ScsiDeviceIO: 1564: Device t10.ATA_____ST1000LM0352D1RK172__________________________________WL1K2209 performance has deteriorated. I/O latency increased from average value of 7446
2022-05-05T08:38:30.178Z cpu0:2097707)WARNING: microseconds to 234573 microseconds.
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.402 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-05-20T15:50:18.446Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-20T15:50:18.446Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-20T15:50:18.447Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-20T15:50:20.500Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-20T15:50:20.502Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-20T15:50:20.504Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-20T15:50:20.547Z cpu1:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-05-20T15:50:21.071Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-05-20T15:50:21.071Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-05-20T15:50:21.083Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-05-20T15:50:21.083Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-20T15:50:23.900Z cpu2:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-05-20T15:50:32.664Z cpu0:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-05-20T15:50:34.142Z cpu0:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-05-20T15:50:34.142Z cpu0:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-05-20T15:50:34.704Z cpu0:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-05-20T15:50:34.704Z cpu0:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-20T15:50:58.933Z cpu1:2099252)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-05-22T07:26:00.437Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-22T07:26:00.437Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-22T07:26:00.438Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-22T07:26:02.479Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-22T07:26:02.481Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-22T07:26:02.483Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-22T07:26:02.526Z cpu1:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-05-22T07:26:03.057Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-05-22T07:26:03.057Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-05-22T07:26:03.069Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-05-22T07:26:03.069Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-22T07:26:05.897Z cpu2:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-05-22T07:26:14.468Z cpu3:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-05-22T07:26:15.926Z cpu1:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-05-22T07:26:15.926Z cpu1:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-05-22T07:26:16.340Z cpu3:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-05-22T07:26:16.340Z cpu3:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-22T07:26:40.287Z cpu0:2099251)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
2022-05-27T21:59:17.611Z cpu2:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2099423(vmx-vcpu-1:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2099422(LSI-2099286:0)
2022-05-27T21:59:20.564Z cpu1:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099286: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-05-27T21:59:20.564Z cpu1:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099286: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-05-27T21:59:20.564Z cpu1:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099286: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-05-27T21:59:20.564Z cpu1:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099286: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-05-27T21:59:20.564Z cpu1:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099286: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-05-27T21:59:20.564Z cpu1:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099286: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-05-27T21:59:20.564Z cpu1:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099286: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-05-27T22:00:43.440Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-27T22:00:43.441Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-27T22:00:43.441Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-27T22:00:45.487Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-27T22:00:45.489Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-27T22:00:45.491Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-27T22:00:45.556Z cpu0:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-05-27T22:00:46.082Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-05-27T22:00:46.082Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-05-27T22:00:46.094Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-05-27T22:00:46.094Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-27T22:00:48.897Z cpu2:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-05-27T22:00:57.482Z cpu3:2097481)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-05-27T22:00:58.949Z cpu2:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-05-27T22:00:58.949Z cpu2:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-05-27T22:00:59.363Z cpu2:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-05-27T22:00:59.363Z cpu2:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-27T22:01:23.534Z cpu1:2099393)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
2022-05-27T22:02:48.596Z cpu0:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2099451(vmx-vcpu-1:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2099450(LSI-2099428:0)
2022-05-27T22:02:49.435Z cpu2:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099428: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-05-27T22:02:49.435Z cpu2:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099428: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-05-27T22:02:49.435Z cpu2:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099428: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-05-27T22:02:49.435Z cpu2:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099428: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-05-27T22:02:49.435Z cpu2:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099428: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-05-27T22:02:49.435Z cpu2:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099428: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-05-27T22:02:49.435Z cpu2:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099428: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.398 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-05-27T22:04:22.437Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-27T22:04:22.438Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-27T22:04:22.438Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-27T22:04:24.427Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-27T22:04:24.429Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-27T22:04:24.431Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-27T22:04:24.474Z cpu3:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-05-27T22:04:25.030Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-05-27T22:04:25.030Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-05-27T22:04:25.044Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-05-27T22:04:25.044Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-27T22:04:27.894Z cpu1:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-05-27T22:04:36.476Z cpu3:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-05-27T22:04:37.930Z cpu0:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-05-27T22:04:37.930Z cpu0:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-05-27T22:04:38.343Z cpu0:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-05-27T22:04:38.343Z cpu0:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-27T22:05:02.418Z cpu3:2099270)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
2022-05-31T19:03:33.614Z cpu3:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2099327(vmx-vcpu-0:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2099328(LSI-2099305:0)
2022-05-31T19:03:36.036Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099305: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-05-31T19:03:36.036Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099305: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-05-31T19:03:36.036Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099305: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-05-31T19:03:36.036Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099305: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-05-31T19:03:36.036Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099305: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-05-31T19:03:36.036Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099305: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-05-31T19:03:36.036Z cpu3:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099305: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-05-31T19:05:25.438Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-31T19:05:25.439Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-31T19:05:25.440Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-31T19:05:27.431Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-31T19:05:27.433Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-31T19:05:27.435Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-31T19:05:27.478Z cpu1:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-05-31T19:05:28.036Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-05-31T19:05:28.036Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-05-31T19:05:28.050Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-05-31T19:05:28.050Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-31T19:05:30.899Z cpu2:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-05-31T19:05:39.490Z cpu3:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-05-31T19:05:40.958Z cpu2:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-05-31T19:05:40.958Z cpu2:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-05-31T19:05:41.372Z cpu2:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-05-31T19:05:41.372Z cpu2:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-31T19:06:05.308Z cpu3:2099249)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.402 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-05-31T20:08:51.442Z cpu2:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-31T20:08:51.443Z cpu2:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-31T20:08:51.444Z cpu2:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-31T20:08:53.491Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-31T20:08:53.493Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-31T20:08:53.495Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-05-31T20:08:53.538Z cpu0:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-05-31T20:08:54.067Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-05-31T20:08:54.067Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-05-31T20:08:54.079Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-05-31T20:08:54.079Z cpu0:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-31T20:08:56.904Z cpu1:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-05-31T20:09:05.486Z cpu0:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-05-31T20:09:06.951Z cpu0:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-05-31T20:09:06.951Z cpu0:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-05-31T20:09:07.370Z cpu3:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-05-31T20:09:07.370Z cpu3:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-05-31T20:09:31.494Z cpu1:2099251)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-06-03T14:18:55.442Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-03T14:18:55.443Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-03T14:18:55.443Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-03T14:18:57.486Z cpu0:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-03T14:18:57.488Z cpu0:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-03T14:18:57.490Z cpu0:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-03T14:18:57.533Z cpu0:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-06-03T14:18:58.061Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-06-03T14:18:58.061Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-06-03T14:18:58.073Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-06-03T14:18:58.073Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-03T14:19:00.898Z cpu1:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-06-03T14:19:09.483Z cpu2:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-06-03T14:19:10.920Z cpu0:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-06-03T14:19:10.920Z cpu0:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-06-03T14:19:11.338Z cpu2:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-06-03T14:19:11.338Z cpu2:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-03T14:19:35.496Z cpu2:2099261)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.398 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-06-06T18:42:02.441Z cpu3:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-06T18:42:02.442Z cpu3:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-06T18:42:02.442Z cpu3:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-06T18:42:04.493Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-06T18:42:04.495Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-06T18:42:04.497Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-06T18:42:04.564Z cpu0:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-06-06T18:42:05.094Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-06-06T18:42:05.094Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-06-06T18:42:05.106Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-06-06T18:42:05.106Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-06T18:42:07.902Z cpu3:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-06-06T18:42:16.681Z cpu0:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-06-06T18:42:18.148Z cpu0:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-06-06T18:42:18.148Z cpu0:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-06-06T18:42:18.712Z cpu1:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-06-06T18:42:18.712Z cpu1:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-06T18:42:43.074Z cpu1:2099249)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-06-09T16:26:59.440Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-09T16:26:59.440Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-09T16:26:59.441Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-09T16:27:01.491Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-09T16:27:01.493Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-09T16:27:01.495Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-09T16:27:01.560Z cpu1:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-06-09T16:27:02.085Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-06-09T16:27:02.085Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-06-09T16:27:02.097Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-06-09T16:27:02.097Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-09T16:27:04.899Z cpu2:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-06-09T16:27:13.651Z cpu1:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-06-09T16:27:15.127Z cpu3:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-06-09T16:27:15.127Z cpu3:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-06-09T16:27:15.689Z cpu0:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-06-09T16:27:15.689Z cpu0:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-09T16:27:40.097Z cpu0:2099249)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.402 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-06-17T20:40:19.438Z cpu2:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-17T20:40:19.439Z cpu2:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-17T20:40:19.440Z cpu2:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-17T20:40:21.488Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-17T20:40:21.490Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-17T20:40:21.492Z cpu2:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-17T20:40:21.559Z cpu2:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-06-17T20:40:22.085Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-06-17T20:40:22.085Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-06-17T20:40:22.097Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-06-17T20:40:22.097Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-17T20:40:24.906Z cpu0:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-06-17T20:40:33.405Z cpu3:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-06-17T20:40:34.831Z cpu3:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-06-17T20:40:34.831Z cpu3:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-06-17T20:40:35.280Z cpu3:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-06-17T20:40:35.280Z cpu3:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-17T20:40:59.247Z cpu0:2099259)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.398 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-06-19T09:24:25.443Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-19T09:24:25.444Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-19T09:24:25.444Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-19T09:24:27.495Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-19T09:24:27.497Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-19T09:24:27.499Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-19T09:24:27.567Z cpu1:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-06-19T09:24:28.097Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-06-19T09:24:28.097Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-06-19T09:24:28.109Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-06-19T09:24:28.109Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-19T09:24:30.926Z cpu0:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-06-19T09:24:39.428Z cpu3:2097481)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-06-19T09:24:40.889Z cpu1:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-06-19T09:24:40.889Z cpu1:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-06-19T09:24:41.328Z cpu1:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-06-19T09:24:41.328Z cpu1:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-19T09:25:05.149Z cpu2:2099259)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.402 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-06-22T20:54:37.439Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-22T20:54:37.439Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-22T20:54:37.440Z cpu1:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-22T20:54:39.485Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-22T20:54:39.487Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-22T20:54:39.489Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-22T20:54:39.532Z cpu1:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-06-22T20:54:40.060Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-06-22T20:54:40.060Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-06-22T20:54:40.072Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-06-22T20:54:40.072Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-22T20:54:42.905Z cpu3:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-06-22T20:54:51.403Z cpu1:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-06-22T20:54:52.860Z cpu1:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-06-22T20:54:52.860Z cpu1:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-06-22T20:54:53.308Z cpu1:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-06-22T20:54:53.308Z cpu1:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-22T20:55:17.427Z cpu3:2099257)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
2022-06-25T14:17:57.615Z cpu3:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2099427(vmx-vcpu-0:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2099428(LSI-2099292:0)
2022-06-25T14:18:00.612Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099292: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-06-25T14:18:00.612Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099292: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-06-25T14:18:00.612Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099292: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-06-25T14:18:00.612Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099292: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-06-25T14:18:00.612Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099292: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-06-25T14:18:00.612Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099292: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-06-25T14:18:00.612Z cpu1:2097185)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099292: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.402 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-06-25T14:19:05.438Z cpu3:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-25T14:19:05.439Z cpu3:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-25T14:19:05.439Z cpu3:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-25T14:19:07.485Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-25T14:19:07.486Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-25T14:19:07.488Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-25T14:19:07.552Z cpu1:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-06-25T14:19:08.079Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-06-25T14:19:08.079Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-06-25T14:19:08.091Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-06-25T14:19:08.091Z cpu3:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-25T14:19:10.901Z cpu3:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-06-25T14:19:19.410Z cpu1:2097481)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-06-25T14:19:20.875Z cpu0:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-06-25T14:19:20.875Z cpu0:2098036)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-06-25T14:19:21.316Z cpu2:2098082)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-06-25T14:19:21.316Z cpu2:2098082)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-25T14:19:45.604Z cpu0:2099261)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-06-26T13:33:05.438Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-26T13:33:05.438Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-26T13:33:05.439Z cpu0:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-26T13:33:07.488Z cpu0:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-26T13:33:07.490Z cpu3:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-26T13:33:07.492Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-06-26T13:33:07.559Z cpu1:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-06-26T13:33:08.088Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-06-26T13:33:08.088Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-06-26T13:33:08.100Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-06-26T13:33:08.100Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-26T13:33:10.910Z cpu0:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-06-26T13:33:19.407Z cpu1:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-06-26T13:33:20.858Z cpu2:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-06-26T13:33:20.858Z cpu2:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-06-26T13:33:21.308Z cpu1:2098083)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-06-26T13:33:21.308Z cpu1:2098083)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-06-26T13:33:45.474Z cpu0:2099264)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
2022-07-02T17:57:58.587Z cpu1:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2099434(vmx-vcpu-0:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2099435(LSI-2099299:0)
2022-07-02T17:58:01.076Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099299: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-07-02T17:58:01.076Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099299: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-07-02T17:58:01.076Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099299: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-07-02T17:58:01.076Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099299: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-07-02T17:58:01.076Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099299: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-07-02T17:58:01.076Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099299: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-07-02T17:58:01.076Z cpu3:2097187)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099299: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.398 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-07-02T17:59:11.443Z cpu3:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-02T17:59:11.444Z cpu3:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-02T17:59:11.444Z cpu3:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-02T17:59:13.492Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-02T17:59:13.494Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-02T17:59:13.495Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-02T17:59:13.539Z cpu0:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-07-02T17:59:14.064Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-07-02T17:59:14.064Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-07-02T17:59:14.076Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-07-02T17:59:14.076Z cpu2:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-07-02T17:59:16.903Z cpu2:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-07-02T17:59:25.422Z cpu0:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-07-02T17:59:26.862Z cpu2:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-07-02T17:59:26.862Z cpu2:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-07-02T17:59:27.311Z cpu1:2098083)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-07-02T17:59:27.311Z cpu1:2098083)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-07-02T17:59:51.374Z cpu0:2099260)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.393 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.398 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.399 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.430 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-07-10T22:07:09.442Z cpu3:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-10T22:07:09.443Z cpu3:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-10T22:07:09.443Z cpu3:2097525)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-10T22:07:11.494Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-10T22:07:11.496Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-10T22:07:11.498Z cpu1:2097537)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-10T22:07:11.541Z cpu1:2097574)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-07-10T22:07:12.069Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-07-10T22:07:12.069Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-07-10T22:07:12.081Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-07-10T22:07:12.081Z cpu1:2097592)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-07-10T22:07:14.902Z cpu1:2097723)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-07-10T22:07:23.434Z cpu0:2097482)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-07-10T22:07:24.912Z cpu1:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-07-10T22:07:24.912Z cpu1:2098037)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-07-10T22:07:25.338Z cpu1:2098083)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-07-10T22:07:25.338Z cpu1:2098083)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-07-10T22:07:49.444Z cpu1:2099252)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported
2022-07-16T20:01:26.623Z cpu0:2097256)WARNING: CpuSched: 996: Automatic relation removal from 2099422(vmx-vcpu-0:OpenWrt, zombie) to 2099423(LSI-2099287:0)
2022-07-16T20:01:28.373Z cpu0:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099287: bpn 0x1000000e0 count was zero (count=0)
2022-07-16T20:01:28.373Z cpu0:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099287: bpn 0x1000000e1 count was zero (count=1)
2022-07-16T20:01:28.373Z cpu0:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099287: bpn 0x1000000e2 count was zero (count=2)
2022-07-16T20:01:28.373Z cpu0:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099287: bpn 0x1000000e3 count was zero (count=3)
2022-07-16T20:01:28.373Z cpu0:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099287: bpn 0x1000000e9 count was zero (count=9)
2022-07-16T20:01:28.373Z cpu0:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099287: bpn 0x1000000f3 count was zero (count=19)
2022-07-16T20:01:28.373Z cpu0:2097186)WARNING: VmMemPin: 333: vm 2099287: bpn 0x1000000fd count was zero (count=29)
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com1 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:00.000 cpu0:1)WARNING: Serial: 787: Serial port com2 failed during initialization: Failure
0:00:00:04.392 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 318: \_SB_.PCI0.SBRG.TIMR: skipping GSIV 0 conflict
0:00:00:04.398 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.HPET: skipping IRQ 8 conflict
0:00:00:04.398 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 307: \_SB_.GPO0: skipping IRQ 14 conflict
0:00:00:04.401 cpu0:2097152)WARNING: VMKAcpi: 150: \_SB_.RTC_: device res 0 resource registration failed (Bad address range)
0:00:00:04.429 cpu0:2097152)ALERT: PCI: 2889: 0000:01:00.0: device's MPS capability (128 bytes) is less than parent's (0000:00:13.0) MPS setting (256 bytes)
2022-07-16T20:02:41.441Z cpu1:2097527)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-16T20:02:41.442Z cpu1:2097527)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-16T20:02:41.443Z cpu1:2097527)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-16T20:02:43.489Z cpu2:2097539)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:03:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-16T20:02:43.490Z cpu2:2097539)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:04:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-16T20:02:43.492Z cpu2:2097539)WARNING: PCI: 189: 0000:05:00.0: Bypassing non-ACS capable device in hierarchy
2022-07-16T20:02:43.560Z cpu1:2097576)WARNING: etherswitch: PortCfg_ModInit:910: Skipped initializing etherswitch portcfg for VSS to use cswitch and portcfg module
2022-07-16T20:02:44.087Z cpu1:2097594)WARNING: Keyboard: 777: Ignoring registration attempt: External USB driver already registered.
2022-07-16T20:02:44.087Z cpu1:2097594)WARNING: VMKAPICore: 2472: Failed to register external keyboard driver, type: 1
2022-07-16T20:02:44.098Z cpu1:2097594)WARNING: CharDriver: 356: Driver with name usbdevices is already using slot 45
2022-07-16T20:02:44.099Z cpu1:2097594)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of usb failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-07-16T20:02:46.902Z cpu0:2097725)WARNING: FBFT not enabled
2022-07-16T20:02:55.415Z cpu1:2097484)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID 6220b829-c7d5cc86-2986-c4834f2721cc
2022-07-16T20:02:56.869Z cpu3:2098039)WARNING: APEI: 290: Could not initialize HEST
2022-07-16T20:02:56.869Z cpu3:2098039)WARNING: APEI: 319: Could not initialize EINJ
2022-07-16T20:02:57.310Z cpu0:2098085)WARNING: tpmDriver: TpmDriverFindIoMemory:362: TPM 2 TIS interface not active.
2022-07-16T20:02:57.310Z cpu0:2098085)WARNING: Elf: 3144: Kernel based module load of tpmdriver failed: Failure <Mod_LoadDone failed>
2022-07-16T20:03:21.434Z cpu1:2099265)WARNING: kbdmode_set:519: invalid keyboard mode 4: Not supported

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DH-9527 发表于 2022-7-17 10:12


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anbell 发表于 2022-7-17 14:20


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