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本帖最后由 QC一然 于 2024-3-23 11:47 编辑



024-03-23 01:13:41.498 [HUB "virtual**"] Connection "CID-5": Successfully authenticated as user "username".
2024-03-23 01:13:41.498 [HUB "virtual**"] Connection "CID-5": The new session "SID-MILK-[OPENvirtual**_L3]-6" has been created. (IP address: , Port number: 65317, Physical underlying protocol: "Legacy virtual** - OPENvirtual**_L3")
2024-03-23 01:13:41.498 [HUB "virtual**"] Session "SID-MILK-[OPENvirtual**_L3]-6": The parameter has been set. Max number of TCP connections: 1, Use of encryption: Yes, Use of compression: No, Use of Half duplex communication: No, Timeout: 20 seconds.
2024-03-23 01:13:41.498 [HUB "virtual**"] Session "SID-MILK-[OPENvirtual**_L3]-6": virtual** Client details: (Client product name: "Openvirtual** Client", Client version: 429, Client build number: 9680, Server product name: "SoftEther virtual** Server (32 bit) (Open Source)", Server version: 429, Server build number: 9680, Client OS name: "Openvirtual** Client", Client OS version: "-", Client product ID: "-", Client host name: "", Client IP address: "", Client port number: 65317, Server host name: "", Server IP address: "", Server port number: 11955, Proxy host name: "", Proxy IP address: "", Proxy port number: 0, Virtual Hub name: "virtual**", Client unique ID: "104188066C2100A0EF25BB10172DAE40")
2024-03-23 01:13:46.498 Openvirtual** Session 3 (:65317 -> :11955) Channel 0: Acquiring an IP address from the DHCP server failed. To accept a PPP session, you need to have a DHCP server. Make sure that a DHCP server is working normally in the Ethernet segment which the Virtual Hub belongs to. If you do not have a DHCP server, you can use the Virtual DHCP function of the SecureNAT on the Virtual Hub instead.
2024-03-23 01:13:46.498 Openvirtual** Session 3 (:65317 -> :11955) Channel 0: Failed to connect a channel.
2024-03-23 01:13:46.759 [HUB "virtual**"] Session "SID-MILK-[OPENvirtual**_L3]-6": The session has been terminated. The statistical information is as follows: Total outgoing data size: 1662 bytes, Total incoming data size: 1276 bytes.
2024-03-23 01:13:46.779 Connection "CID-5" terminated by the cause "The virtual** session has been deleted. It is possible that either the administrator disconnected the session or the connection from the client to the virtual** Server has been disconnected." (code 11).
2024-03-23 01:13:46.779 Connection "CID-5" has been terminated.
2024-03-23 01:13:46.779 The connection with the client (IP address , Port number 65317) has been disconnected.

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不是的,我现在只想用华硕里面的服务端,只是华硕的配置不成功,我才用windows配了一个服务端,而且我想用华硕lan的dhcp,就是直接分配一个lanIP给连接上的客户端,目前我AX86U内网IP是192.168.99.0/24网段。  详情 回复 发表于 2024-3-23 09:55
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本帖最后由 QC一然 于 2024-3-23 09:57 编辑
ETHEREALi 发表于 2024-3-23 02:12
说的很清楚了,这下在床上不好操作,按图片步骤,用你的windows访问服务端去配置一个dhcp ...


还有我是不想用secure NAT的,这样多了一层NAT。我现在windows的服务端的话客户端连接上是能直接获得一个内网IP的。
我的恩山、我的无线 The best wifi forum is right here.

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